Saturday, April 21, 2007

Headsprout is 'sprouting' at PS71Q

We are currently running a test pilot Headsprout program at PS71Q. What is Headsprout you ask? Headsprout is a computer reading program in which students proceed at their own pace learning letter sounds, blends and eventually reading words and stories. It is a very engaging program that the students are enjoying. In the upcoming 2007/2008 school year Ms. Olivella has purchased the program and it will be expanded to encompass many more students. We can hardly wait.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

PowerPoint Presentation Publishing Parties

Students in my computer classes have been working very hard preparing their Narrative Procedures on PowerPoint. Most of my students are 2nd graders and a few are 3rd and 1st graders. You will be surprised by their wonderful presentations. Let us know what you think about the quality of their work.

Monday, March 19, 2007

100th Day of School -Technology Style

100th Day of School Contest
We had a contest for the 100th day of school.
My students from 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade
came up with 99 computer related activities.
We needed one more idea. We opened up the contest to all
students and teachers of PS 71Q. There were many
entries. All of your ideas were wonderful,
however, the winner of the competition was
Mrs. Tallini. She used the computer to write
a beautiful letter to all her colleagues that
touched everyone's heart and gave us
inspiration to become better people.
Let's hear it for Mrs. Tallini.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Laptop Time

Hi, my name is Mrs. Lucin. Many of you know me as Ms. Skoblar. I love teaching laptop
computers at PS 71Q. Here are some PowerPoint Presentations that my students created for their narrative procedures. Notice how they included clipart, background colors, slide transitions, text box shapes and colors and Word Art, etc... What do you think of their wonderful work? Please comment.