Saturday, September 10, 2011

Welcome to School Year 2011/2012

This is going to be an exciting year! We are going to work together to expand our horizons.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Raz-Kids at PS71Q

I am pleased to announce that PS71Q is also using Raz-Kids with students who complete Headsprout. Click here: Raz-Kids to find out more about the program.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Headsprout Headlines

PS71Q is happy to announce that we are still using the Headsprout program. To find out more about the program click on the picture.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Portaportal Time

Hello to all. I have been adding various sites to my portaportal. I have included not only Science, Social Studies, ELA, but test prep, ELL, Kindergarten, links to other teacher's portaportals, etc... Come take a look. Click on the computer.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mrs. Lucin's Portaportal

Click on the link above to get to my portaportal where you can find numerous sites to help you with Science, Social Studies and other subject areas. Remember practice makes perfect! Enjoy.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Summer Reading

Summer is almost here. In order to retain everything you have learned this year, it is important to read during the Summer. You can go to the Ridgewood Public Library which has a special Summer Reading Program. You may also want to visit If you have at home access for Headsprout, you can continue with Headsprout during the summer months.

Just read and you will succeed!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Headsprout Reading

Headsprout has been a big hit at PS71Q with the Kindergarten and First Grade students. Students are learning to become better readers while enjoying this interactive, individualized computer program. To find out more about Headsprout call the school or click on the Headsprout link below:
